Profile PictureDeseere' Cruz

Deseere’ Cruz is a life empowerment coach. She guides high achieving, independent, professionals to discover more self love and move into their zone of excellence in all areas of their life. She has worked for fortune 500 companies in sales and consulting, trained multimillionaires on how to diversify and develop their professional portfolios, launched several of her own businesses and is a full time mother of two energetic young boys. 
 She now guides those same types of high achieving professionals to remove the internal blocks that prevent them from their zone of excellence and live from full abundance. To create the life style they want to live, instead of the one they feel they have to live. Finding more self love, more joy, more connection and more wealth than ever before. Deseere’ brings her combined business and mindset coaching to the world helping to create a culture where people are not a dollar sign and your business and relationships are treated as a precious creation brought to life to serve your purpose.