Profile PictureDeseere' Cruz

Massive Action Worksheet for Manifesting

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Manifestation takes massive action! Once you know what you manifest you have to take the steps to get what you want. Sometimes that can be overwhelming. This worksheet will help you plan your path and clearly outline your next steps.

First put down what you want to manifest in the center of the page.

Next answer the questions on the right side of the sheet.

One the right side, make a list of ALL the ways you can get what you want, pick the two things that will make the most immediate impact, then put them in your calendar with a due date! Do not procrastinate on these TWO things. Goals are desires with deadlines!

In the bottom circle write down what you achieved toward your goal!

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This is a planning tool for manifesting! Print it off for big goals and use a second one to break down your steps.

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Massive Action Worksheet for Manifesting

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